Maintenance and Replacement

The operator or the maintenance technician will be able to interact H24 with our system to receive indications also on how to correctly carry out a replacement operation of a component or the periodic maintenance of a component.

The operator or maintainer will simply have to tell our system that he intends to carry out a replacement operation, then specify which component it is to be taken to a step-by-step guide that will accompany him throughout the chosen operation.

The guide will consist of a textual description, as well as images, videos and component and machine manuals.

The operator or the maintenance technician will be able to interact H24 with our system to receive indications also on how to correctly carry out a replacement operation of a component or the periodic maintenance of a component.

The operator or maintainer will simply have to tell our system that he intends to carry out a replacement operation, then specify which component it is to be taken to a step-by-step guide that will accompany him throughout the chosen operation.

The guide will consist of a textual description, as well as images, videos and component and machine manuals.